March 20th 2019

Well, it’s been a busy week for me and Fairy Realm Yarns. I’ve been putting loads of stock in the shop whilst dyeing up sock sets. Look out for those at the end of the week, 22nd March.

Aries – My latest sock set offering. Love those fiery colours.

Magnolia Stellata
  • The garden is in desperate need of a tidy up – next job on the list – but the spring flowers are looking lovely despite the winter debris, wind and rain.

I’ve actually been able to do some knitting this week. My Alaska hat and Deep in the Forest mittens are complete and I’ve started the Gaudi sweater. I’m very excited about this.

If you’d like more information about these patterns head on over to my Ravelry projects page. You’ll find me there as “violetmay61”

My completed projects, knitted for my daughter:

So, as you can see, I’m really into colour work projects at the moment.

Hope you’ve all had a great week and continue to enjoy your crafting. I’ve certainly got plenty to keep me occupied! All the best and see you soon x

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  1. I love Springtime when all the flowers are starting to come back and the leaves! Those magnolia are pretty! Great colourwork too!

    1. Thank you. I love the Spring. It’s definitely my favourite time of year. Must be because I’m a Spring baby.:)

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