Change of Plan

There are some new things going on at Fairy Realm Yarns. We have had to make some changes to the way we operate our online shop. New rules have come into force in the United Kingdom that forces us to calculate taxes to send our goods abroad. This is very complicated and time consuming.

It is with this in mind, that we have restructured the way we sell our yarn and goods. All of our current product is now for sale on Etsy, which can be reached through a link on the main menu on the website. Etsy calculate our taxes for us, which enables us to export seamlessly.

We will now only put our outlet stock on the website to sell in the United Kingdom. But worldwide patrons, don’t despair, if you see something in the outlet shop on the website, and you need us to ship outside the United Kingdom, please let us know through the contact form, and we can transfer to Etsy for you

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